Why Eat Less Meat?
People are cutting down on their meat consumption - and Rephyll is here to help.

Healthier Options
In October 2015, the World Health Organization published the results of a study linking increased red meat intake with early mortality. Cutting down your consumption of red meat will help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, and a variety of cancers.

Follow the Trends
More and more Americans are embracing the movement toward fewer meat-centric meals. Flexitarians make up 1/4 of the population of the United States; these flexitarians are leading the charge in finding innovative and delicious ways to replace people's insatiable desire for meat.

Animal Welfare
Factory farming practices developed in response to the high market demand for meat and animal products in the past few decades. Animal welfare has become a back-burner priority in the meat industry, where the speed of production is king. People who are concerned about the unethical treatment of animals in current agricultural industries have been moving away from high consumption of meat and animal products.

A Greener Future
In addition to ethical concerns, big-scale livestock production is damaging our environment. Between producing livestock feed, animal waste, gas emissions, and industrial impacts of the industry, meat production is not a sustainable option. It is time for people to find more long-term ways to feed our ever-growing global population.